The Tsukiji fish market is the world's biggest whole sale and fish market. It's open for visitors from 9 am onwards. There is two main parts of the market, the factor like fish processing building and an area with smaller stalls selling various produce.
The streets are filled with people, scooters and turret trucks zipping around delivering fresh fish for clients. These people are on a mission and you should watch out for them.
The same rule applies at the big fish processing building. There is lots of interesting things to see, but it's really not a friendly place to visit. You will be pushed around if you happen to be in someone's path. It's a factory like place and you should be careful there.
The market place is much friendlier with food stalls selling the day's catch. You should definitely eat sushi here. Some restaurants seem to be more popuar than others, but just pick a place. The local fish is amazing and melts in your mouth. It's proof of that you should eat only local products and not something that has been shipped thousands of kilometers.